Eton Commercial School (Tel: 6245 8494)

Brother and Sister
April 20, 2008, 3:15 am
Filed under: Brain Teasers | Tags:

A young boy and his older sister are chatting.

“Sis, if I take away 2 years from my age and give them to you,
you will be twice my age!”

The older sister says.
“Well, give me 1 more and I’ll be 3 times your age!”

How old is each sibling ?

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use simultaneous equation, but the answer actually surprise me!!

Comment by sspider

Just because they are born the same year doesn’t mean the sister isn’t older or “bigger”. They could have an 11 months difference and have the same age for 1 month each year. You should be able to do it with these hints. I can’t give you anymore hints so here’s the answer using the hints:


a. “Move two years from the brother’s age, and the difference in age becomes four years”

The difference in age is 4 AND the sister’s age would be two times that of the brother’s: This only works with 4 and 8.

b. “Move three years, and the difference becomes six years makes her three times as old”

The difference in age is 6 AND the sister’s age would be three times that of the brother’s: This only works with numbers 3 and 9.

c. “They were born the same year.”

They are both 6 years old.

Comment by Nawaf

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